Sunday, June 29, 2008

Personal Encounter with God (Part 1 & 2)

Part 1

About Charles Finney

Part 2

3 misconceptions
1. The days after Finney's transformation is perfect (Scriptural reference: James 5:17-18)
2. Finnney must be one of God's few favourites who never experience our usual problems and troubles
3. With great success in evangelism,, Finney must be feeling great

Scriptural reference:
Psalm 88:1-5 NKJV
Psalm 89:1-2 NKJV

Revival is about passion for God and His Kingdom
2 opposing kingdoms - God's & Devils

Warfare and fighting existing for 3 main things:
1. Glorious truth of God
2. Excellent name of the Lord to worship
3. Precious soul for whom Jesus died for

How do we develop passion for God? It starts from the mind and our thoughts.

8 Laws of Habitual Thoughts
1. You have the power to choose what to think
2. What you constantly think will become real and relevant to you
3. Your habitual thoughts will become the driving force of your life
4. You willl eventually become what you habitually think
5. Your will eventually put your habitual thoughts into action
6. Your translated action repeated will eventually become a habit
7. Your driving thoughts and habit will reinforce each other
8. You can only change that pattern of living by first changing your thoughts

3 immediate things you can do:
1. Read the bible
2. Ask the Holy Spirit for revelation
3. Pray and seek the Lord

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