Sunday, October 12, 2008

The proper perspective of rapture (Part1)

Eschatology: The study of end-times

3 positions regarding the Rapture:
1. Pre-tribulation
2. Mid-tribulation
3. Post-tribulation

Nowhere in bible has explicitly stated which is the correct position to take. Hence, we can agree to disagree without being to disagreeable

Question: Will christian got through the Great tribulation?
- Great tribulation is about God's judgement
- It is a 7 years period
- This earth will be given to the evil rulers

12 Reasons Why I believe in the Pre-Tribulation:

1. It fits well into the chronology of the book of Revelation
Scriptural reference: Revelation 4:1
Scriptural reference: Revelation 11:12

2. It is confirmed by other scriptures
Scriptural reference: Titus 2:13
Scriptural reference: 2 Thess 2:1
Scriptural reference: 2 Thess 2:8

3. It harmonizes with Revelation 5

4. It is supported by Revelation 2:22

5. There is no mentioned of the Church on earth during the Great Tribulation..
- No mentioning of church from Revelation onwards

6. It's in keeping with the loving character of God
- Noah's ark

Scriptural reference: Genesis 19:22a
- Lot was asked to leave before judgement comes upon Sodom and Gomorrah

Sermons (Preached by PS Rony) taken @ Lighthouse Evangelism

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