Sunday, June 1, 2008

Revival Series 4 (the gates of hell can’t prevail & the triumphant church)

7 Characteristics Of A Revived Church & the Consequences Of An Absence of Church Revival

1. The church is filled with divine love and power, acting as the extension of Christ’s healing hands
a. Scriptural reference: Acts 2:42-47
b. Consequence of a unrevived church:
The church will lose Christ’s intended purpose for her existence

2. The church is prayerful, powerful and positive
a. Scriptural reference: Acts 4:23-31
b. Consequence of a unrevived church:
The church will be distracted and weakened by internal strife

3. The church is respected for her purity and power
a. Scriptural reference: Acts 5:12-16
b. Consequence of a unrevived church:
The church will stink as she dies of corruption and yet not know it

4. The church upholds the morality and morale of the land
a. Consequence of a unrevived church:
The church will conform to the worldly standard of behavior

5. The church holds back the judgment of God
a. Consequence of a unrevived church:
The church will be in danger of God’s judgments

6. The church has the answers to life’s problems
a. Scriptural reference: Psalm 91
b. Consequence of a unrevived church:
The church will lose its credibility and relevancy to the world

7. The church is triumphant and prevailing
a. Scriptural reference: Matthew 16:13-19
b. Consequence of a unrevived church:
The church will take a longer time to fulfill God’s plan
c. Scriptural reference: 2 Peter 3:10-12

== Notes taken during Sermon by Ps Rony Tan @ Lighthouse Evangelism ==

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