Sunday, June 1, 2008

Revival Series 2 (Consequences Of An Absence Of Revival)

The fake revival:
1. Focus not on Jesus Christ
2. Major not on life transformation
3. Huge crowd not equals to revival (but revival will draws huge crowd)

Why is a real revival necessary?
1. It is an antidote to backsliding [Isaiah 53:6]
2. Avoid going to the point of no return [Habakkuk 3:2]

7 Possible Consequences Of Absence Of Personal Revival

1st possible reason
The risk of losing the purpose in life
§ Purpose of life: Hinged upon God and all things eternal
§ Things Eternal: Word, Prayer, Worship, Ministry, Winning Souls

2nd possible reason
The risk of tormenting conflicts in the heart
§ Life will be simplified when heart is close to God

3rd possible reason
The risk of forfeiting spiritual inheritance
§ Royal priesthood (with power and authority)

4th possible reason
The risk of being vulnerable to Satan’s deception and attacks
§ Satan like a roaring lion (no power)
§ Deceive and cause misunderstanding

5th possible reason
The risk of being in bondage
§ When compromise, we come out of God’s protection and boundaries

6th possible reason
The risk of being a stumbling block to others
§ You are either a stepping stone or a stumbling block to others
§ Criticism

7th possible reason
The risk of backsliding to the point of no return
§ Theological issue: “Once saved always saved”
§ Not the case, example: King Saul and Judas
§ It is about the heart
§ Be vibrant for Jesus
§ Scriptural reference: Hebrews 6:4-6

== Notes taken during Sermon by Ps Rony Tan @ Lighthouse Evangelism ==

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